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Adrian “Buddy” Malbasias, Gwynneth Wise, Vivian Hannah Ho, Paean Sarkar,

Subashini Balakrishnan, Alisha Davenport, Jessie Muir, Isabelle Negrillo

The framework of a Museum establishes a clear distinction between ‘observer’ and ‘the observed’. Interrogating perspective, Observe is a performance artwork that questions this dynamic and gives agency to the object bodies that are positioned for the museum visitor to view one-sidedly.

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Rehearsal Footage & Teaser:

Behind the Scenes - Construction

Artists' Note:

By recognising a similar dynamic in dance performance, we use the discipline to invite the bodies of visitors and performers into a reciprocal dialogue of viewing.

the work was inspired by significant interests in phenomenology - the understanding of the outside world through the human consciousness. Observe stemmed from lived experiences and the significance of perception to alter reality. The notion of display cases, frames and animal cages further inspired the work, examining the implications of the 'observed' vs. 'observer'. These considerations lead to an exploration of how different angles and perspectives can change one's observation about an experience, topic or issue.​


Questioning the complexities of perspective, Observe is a sculptural installation that uses movement to de-neutralise the act of viewing and pose questions around perspective, the self and connection. We hope the audience can gain a greater awareness of the significance of perspective and observation in life. In activating the viewer, we encourage an understanding of viewer and performer, observer and the observed as an interconnected whole. In this process, we are also situated in a self-reflective space; an important environment to familiarise ourselves with to better understand our own perspectives, experiences and position in the world.

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